At Digital Expert Corporation, we are committed to providing our students with the best possible training and support for their career development. To ensure a positive and respectful environment, the following terms and conditions apply to our interview and job assistance policy:

Job Placement Guarantee

The institute does not guarantee job placement upon course completion. While we offer 100% job assistance, this support is based on available vacancies in the industry.

Eligibility Criteria

Securing a job will depend on various factors, including:

  • Class Attendance: Regular attendance is mandatory for understanding course material and participating in discussions.
  • Learning Skills: Active engagement and application of concepts are essential.
  • Focus on Studies: A strong commitment to your education enhances employability.
  • Overall Academic Performance: Good performance in assessments and projects is crucial.

Job Assistance Services

We provide various services to assist students, including resume writing workshops, interview preparation sessions, and access to job portals. However, participation in these services does not guarantee employment.

  • After scheduling interview preparation or an actual interview, regular classes will stop immediately. Students will not be able to request to rejoin classes unless they complete the re-enrollment process as per institute policy.
  • We advise students to complete their classes and syllabus properly before requesting an interview schedule, as regular classes will cease once an interview is scheduled.
  • A gap of more than 15 days during the course will result in the removal of eligibility to participate in interviews or schedule interviews through the institute.

Respectful Communication

Students are expected to communicate respectfully with faculty and staff. Harassment, including verbal abuse, threats, or inappropriate behavior, will not be tolerated.

Grievance Handling

If a student feels dissatisfied with the services provided, they must follow the official grievance procedure. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the designated contact person. We will address grievances in a fair and timely manner.

Code of Conduct

All students must adhere to the institute’s code of conduct. Violations, including disruptive behavior or harassment of staff and fellow students, may result in disciplinary action, including expulsion from the program.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Students may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect proprietary information and sensitive data related to the institute’s operations and programs.

Limitation of Liability

Digital Expert Corporation is not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of its services, including the job assistance program.

Modification of Terms

The institute reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Students will be notified of significant changes, and continued enrollment constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

Interview Preparation Attendance

After scheduling interview preparation or an actual interview, Student regular class will immediately stop. if a student is unable to attend interview for any reason, they must inform the institute in advance else their future interview session automatically cancel. Failure to do so may affect their eligibility for job assistance and participation in future interview preparation sessions.

Commitment to Success

We are dedicated to supporting our students in achieving their career goals and will work diligently to connect you with potential employers.

By enrolling in our programs, students acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions. We wish you all the best in your training and future job search! Your success is our priority.